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3-1/4"(H) x 7/8"(P) x 94-1/2"(L) - Panel Moulding - Cole Design - [Polyurethane Material]

PRICE:  $ 35.94
      ITEM #:  PML-030196-FOST-PY-24
  3-1/4"(H) x 7/8"(P) x 94-1/2"(L) - Panel Moulding - Cole Design - [Polyurethane Material]

6-1/8"(H) x 2"(P) x 94-1/2"(L) - Panel Moulding - Standard Panel Design - [Polyurethane Material]

PRICE:  $ 64.68
      ITEM #:  PML-060294-PAN-PY-24
  6-1/8"(H) x 2"(P) x 94-1/2"(L) - Panel Moulding - Standard Panel Design - [Polyurethane Material]

5/8"(H) x 1/2"(P) x 96-1/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Classic Smooth Design - [Polyurethane Material]

PRICE:  $ 16.10
      ITEM #:  PML-010196-CLSM-PY-24
  5/8"(H) x 1/2"(P) x 96-1/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Classic Smooth Design - [Polyurethane Material]

3/4"(H) x 3/4"(P) x 96-1/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Hillsborough Design - [Polyurethane Material]

PRICE:  $ 16.10
      ITEM #:  PML-010196-HILS-PY-24
  3/4"(H) x 3/4"(P) x 96-1/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Hillsborough Design - [Polyurethane Material]

7/8"(H) x 5/8"(P) x 96-1/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Edinburgh Design - [Polyurethane Material]

PRICE:  $ 16.10
      ITEM #:  PML-010196-EDIN-PY-24
  7/8"(H) x 5/8"(P) x 96-1/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Edinburgh Design - [Polyurethane Material]

1"(H) x 1/2"(P) x 96"(L) - Panel Moulding - Sydney Design - [Polyurethane Material]

PRICE:  $ 10.64
      ITEM #:  PML-010196-SYDN-PY-24
  1"(H) x 1/2"(P) x 96"(L) - Panel Moulding - Sydney Design - [Polyurethane Material]

1-1/8"(H) x 3/8"(P) x 94-1/2"(L) - Panel Moulding - Crendon Design - [Polyurethane Material]

PRICE:  $ 10.02
      ITEM #:  PML-010196-CREN-PY-24
  1-1/8"(H) x 3/8"(P) x 94-1/2"(L) - Panel Moulding - Crendon Design - [Polyurethane Material]

1-3/8"(H) x 3/8"(P) x 94-1/2"(L) - Panel Moulding - Sequential Design - [Polyurethane Material]

PRICE:  $ 20.93
      ITEM #:  PML-010194-SEQN-PY-24
  1-3/8"(H) x 3/8"(P) x 94-1/2"(L) - Panel Moulding - Sequential Design - [Polyurethane Material]

1-5/8"(H) x 1"(P) x 96"(L) - Panel Moulding - Valeriano Design - [Polyurethane Material]

PRICE:  $ 15.50
      ITEM #:  PML-020196-VALE-PY-24
  1-5/8"(H) x 1"(P) x 96"(L) - Panel Moulding - Valeriano Design - [Polyurethane Material]

1-7/8"(H) x 3/4"(P) x 96-1/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Reeded Design - [Polyurethane Material]

PRICE:  $ 20.93
      ITEM #:  PML-020196-REED-PY-24
  1-7/8"(H) x 3/4"(P) x 96-1/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Reeded Design - [Polyurethane Material]

1-3/4"(H) x 3/4"(P) x 94-1/2"(L) - Panel Moulding - Egg & Dart Design - [Polyurethane Material]

PRICE:  $ 22.42
      ITEM #:  PML-020196-EGDA-PY-24
  1-3/4"(H) x 3/4"(P) x 94-1/2"(L) - Panel Moulding - Egg & Dart Design - [Polyurethane Material]

1-7/8"(H) x 3/4"(P) x 96"(L) - Panel Moulding - Blackthorne Design - [Polyurethane Material]

PRICE:  $ 23.35
      ITEM #:  PML-020196-BLKT-PY-24
  1-7/8"(H) x 3/4"(P) x 96"(L) - Panel Moulding - Blackthorne Design - [Polyurethane Material]

1-7/8"(H) x 1"(P) x 95-7/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Valeriano Design - [Polyurethane Material]

PRICE:  $ 29.03
      ITEM #:  PML-020196-VLER-PY-24
  1-7/8"(H) x 1"(P) x 95-7/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Valeriano Design - [Polyurethane Material]

2"(H) x 1/2"(P) x 94-1/2"(L) - Panel Moulding - Hurley Design - [Polyurethane Material]

PRICE:  $ 17.71
      ITEM #:  PML-020195-HURL-PY-24
  2"(H) x 1/2"(P) x 94-1/2"(L) - Panel Moulding - Hurley Design - [Polyurethane Material]

2"(H) x 1-1/8"(P) x 96-1/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Fairfax Design - [Polyurethane Material]

PRICE:  $ 24.18
      ITEM #:  PML-020196-FAIR-PY-24
  2"(H) x 1-1/8"(P) x 96-1/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Fairfax Design - [Polyurethane Material]

2"(H) x 5/8"(P) x 94-1/2"(L) - Panel Moulding - Raymond Design - [Polyurethane Material]

PRICE:  $ 20.93
      ITEM #:  PML-020196-RAYM-PY-24
  2"(H) x 5/8"(P) x 94-1/2"(L) - Panel Moulding - Raymond Design - [Polyurethane Material]

2"(H) x 1-1/8"(P) x 96-1/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Reeded Design - [Polyurethane Material]

PRICE:  $ 24.18
      ITEM #:  PML-020196-REED-PY-24
  2"(H) x 1-1/8"(P) x 96-1/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Reeded Design - [Polyurethane Material]

2-1/8"(H) x 1-1/8"(P) x 96-1/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Nadia Design - [Polyurethane Material]

PRICE:  $ 33.41
      ITEM #:  PML-020196-NADI-PY-24
  2-1/8"(H) x 1-1/8"(P) x 96-1/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Nadia Design - [Polyurethane Material]

2-1/8"(H) x 7/8"(P) x 95-7/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Dublin Design - [Polyurethane Material]

PRICE:  $ 24.18
      ITEM #:  PML-020196-DUBL-PY-24
  2-1/8"(H) x 7/8"(P) x 95-7/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Dublin Design - [Polyurethane Material]

2-1/8"(H) x 3/4"(P) x 96-1/4"(L) - Panel Moulding - Reeded Design - [Polyurethane Material]

PRICE:  $ 24.18
      ITEM #:  PML-020196-RDED-PY-24
  2-1/8"(H) x 3/4"(P) x 96-1/4"(L) - Panel Moulding - Reeded Design - [Polyurethane Material]

2-3/8"(H) x 1-1/4"(P) x 96-1/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Whitman Design - [Polyurethane Material]

PRICE:  $ 37.21
      ITEM #:  PML-020196-WHIT-PY-24
  2-3/8"(H) x 1-1/4"(P) x 96-1/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Whitman Design - [Polyurethane Material]

2-3/8"(H) x 1-1/8"(P) x 96-1/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Shell Design - [Polyurethane Material]

PRICE:  $ 37.21
      ITEM #:  PML-020296-SHEL-PY-24
  2-3/8"(H) x 1-1/8"(P) x 96-1/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Shell Design - [Polyurethane Material]

2-1/2"(H) x 7/8"(P) x 94-1/2"(L) - Panel Moulding - Classic Design - [Polyurethane Material]

PRICE:  $ 38.67
      ITEM #:  PML-030195-CLAS-PY-24
  2-1/2"(H) x 7/8"(P) x 94-1/2"(L) - Panel Moulding - Classic Design - [Polyurethane Material]

2-5/8"(H) x 3/4"(P) x 96-1/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Kenneth Design - [Polyurethane Material]

PRICE:  $ 25.79
      ITEM #:  PML-030196-KENN-PY-24
  2-5/8"(H) x 3/4"(P) x 96-1/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Kenneth Design - [Polyurethane Material]

2-7/8"(H) x 7/8"(P) x 96-1/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Nestor Design - [Polyurethane Material]

PRICE:  $ 37.24
      ITEM #:  PML-030196-NEST-PY-24
  2-7/8"(H) x 7/8"(P) x 96-1/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Nestor Design - [Polyurethane Material]

3"(H) x 7/8"(P) x 96-1/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Standard Design - [Polyurethane Material]

PRICE:  $ 33.87
      ITEM #:  PML-030196-STAN-PY-24
  3"(H) x 7/8"(P) x 96-1/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Standard Design - [Polyurethane Material]

3"(H) x 1-1/8"(P) x 96-1/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Reeded Design - [Polyurethane Material]

PRICE:  $ 37.21
      ITEM #:  PML-030196-REDD-PY-24
  3"(H) x 1-1/8"(P) x 96-1/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Reeded Design - [Polyurethane Material]

3-1/4"(H) x 1"(P) x 95-1/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Egg & Dart Design - [Polyurethane Material]

PRICE:  $ 44.81
      ITEM #:  PML-030196-EGDA-PY-24
  3-1/4"(H) x 1"(P) x 95-1/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Egg & Dart Design - [Polyurethane Material]

3-1/4"(H) x 1-1/8"(P) x 96-1/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Viceroy Design - [Polyurethane Material]

PRICE:  $ 38.06
      ITEM #:  PML-030296-VICE-PY-24
  3-1/4"(H) x 1-1/8"(P) x 96-1/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Viceroy Design - [Polyurethane Material]

3-1/2"(H) x 1"(P) x 96-1/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Blackthorne Design - [Polyurethane Material]

PRICE:  $ 38.06
      ITEM #:  PML-040196-BLCK-PY-24
  3-1/2"(H) x 1"(P) x 96-1/8"(L) - Panel Moulding - Blackthorne Design - [Polyurethane Material]

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